About Us

25+ Years Experience Bringing Intelligence to Information

MARQPRO is being built to bring to the United States market the Data Science and Business Intelligence services that transformed the marketing area in Brazil. Based on the 25+ years of experience of the sister company Arquivo da Propaganda, MARQPRO will be born as an expert in the field, bringing the information from the market your company needs to expand its business, on the way you need it. Big Data Mining services will allow companies, researchers and academics in all areas to benefit of services and technology that will enhance and accelerate results.

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What We Can Do

Business Intelligence

Big Data Mining

Artificial Intelligence

Advertising Monitoring

Systems Development

Infrastructure Services


Meet The Team

Marcelo Carvalho

CEO and Founder

Engineer, Data Scientist and Marketing Specialist, is CEO and CTO at Arquivo da Propaganda for 25+ years and is leading the construction of MARQPRO.



Soon MARQPRO will be hiring talents in the United States - stay tuned and come to work with us!


You Should Know


To bring to the USA the leading services in Data Science and Business Intelligence that applied to Marketing and Advertising transformed the Advertising Sector in Brazil, being used by 90% of the leading Advertising Agencies.


Coming soon! MARQPRO is under development. The company is already incorporated and the process for stablishing the team in the United States to start its operations is running by the US authorities. Contact us for more information!
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